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Project  Examples

Visual Storytelling Who you are
Demonstrate Perspective
Surrealism Design
Double Exposure Portrait



Lesson 1 Objectives:   Students will gain an understanding of the elements of art and investigate examples of these elements in their environments. Students will be introduced to using digital cameras and the computer as tools for expression. Students will:

• learn basic art vocabulary describing the elements of art⎯line, form, shape, color (hue), value, texture, and space (positive and negative);

• describe the elements of art and be able to identify them in artworks and their environments;

• understand basic color theory including color wheel, primary, secondary, and tertiary colors;

• understand the difference between value and color, positive and negative space, and shape and form;

• sharpen their perceptual skills through observing and investigating their surroundings;

• use digital cameras to capture and document what they see in their environment;

• create a slideshow to communicate their findings;

• describe the images they captured through presentation; and  

• justify their creative decisions.

Resources:Suggested Artists

Meret Oppenheim

A Surrealist sculptor famous for her fur‐lined tea cup⎯a great example of altering a texture or surface of an ordinary object in order to create an expressive artwork.


Danny Gregory A contemporary sketchbook artist who merges art making with everyday experiences.

Cy Twombly A contemporary artist who utilizes line and texture to create expressive surfaces in paintings and drawings.

Resources: Artists

Shinichi Maruyama

Vincent van Gogh

Jen Stark

René Magritte

Cindy Sherman

Franz Klein

John Singer Sargent

Jackson Pollock

Lewis Carroll

Josef Albers

Jan van Eyck


Stefan Sagmeister

Andy Warhol

M.C. Escher
Meret Oppenheim

Judy Pfaff Cy

Twombly Danny

Gregory Henry

Moore Yinka

Shonibare MBE

Lesson 2 Objectives:

Students will explore how culture, visual experience, and the elements of art play a role in creating and communicating their identity. Students will:

  • understand art as a language and how visual communication has changed over time;

  • articulate the difference between a personal identity and a public identity;

  • recognize and reproduce the art elements and how they affect choices we make as consumers;

  • create a self-representation using objects such as clothing or possessions without showing a face; and

  • evaluate the self-representation in terms of its content and the relative strength of the student’s use of art elements.

Lesson 2 What You Know About Yourself vs. How You Present Yourself to Others Duration: 10 days

Lesson 2 builds upon the introductory exercises from the first two weeks of the course and reinforces new terminology related to the elements of art. While the last lesson focused on looking outward and exploring the visual cues in the student’s environment, this lesson turns the focus inward to the student’s self‐ perceptions and thoughts related to his/her identity. The primary art‐making project during this lesson involves students creating a self‐portrait (2‐D or 3‐D) without depicting their faces and capturing the resulting image with digital photography. The final artwork should communicate the student’s individual voice and illustrate thoughtful application of the elements of art.  

Resources:     Suggested Artists  

  Yinka Shonibare MBE   A contemporary artist featured in Art 21, Series 5.

René Magritte A surrealist who looks at simple objects in a different way and combines them to look like something that is real but is not.

Lewis Carroll   Author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, highly visual texts with unusual characters and a story of escaping from reality and seeing yourself as you are, not who you think you are.

Vincent Van Gogh   A post‐impressionist artist who demonstrates vivid use of the art elements in his works.c

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